Do you have insecurities about your smile, from discoloration to chipped teeth, that have caused you to feel self-conscious about your smile? Several solutions in the dental world can help restore or enhance your smile, including that of dental veneers. Dental veneers are an excellent solution at our office, Greenville Family Dentistry. However, choosing between the two main types of veneers – porcelain or composite – can be confusing. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we will compare porcelain vs. composite veneers in Greenville, Illinois, to help you make an informed decision. 

What are Veneers?

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are a type of dental veneer made from a tooth-colored resin composite material. These veneers are applied to the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance and correct issues like discoloration, chips, or minor misalignment. 

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells made from a strong, durable ceramic material that is aesthetically similar to natural tooth enamel. They are custom-made to fit over the front surface of your teeth, serving as a solution for discoloration, chips, or minor misalignments, similar to their composite counterparts. 

Porcelain Vs. Composite Veneers

Type of Material

The first difference between porcelain and composite veneers is the material. Porcelain veneers are made from thin porcelain shells bonded to the front of your teeth. Composite veneers, on the other hand, are made from a tooth-colored resin that is layered onto the tooth and then shaped and polished. Porcelain veneers look more natural and last longer, while composite veneers can be more affordable and more accessible to repair.

Difference in Durability

Porcelain veneers are known for their durability, lasting up to 15 years or more. Composite veneers last for a shorter duration, around 5-10 years. However, you can increase the lifespan of your veneers by practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding hard foods and habits like grinding or chewing ice.

Aesthetics Between the Two

Porcelain veneers provide a more natural and translucent look that mimics the natural teeth. They also resist staining better than composite veneers. On the other hand, Composite veneers require more maintenance and may not appear as natural as porcelain, but they can still provide a beautiful result.

Change in Cost

Cost is a significant factor that influences most people’s decisions. While porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers, they are an excellent long-term investment. Composite veneers may require more frequent maintenance or replacement during their short lifespan, leading to additional expenses.

Application Process

Both types of veneers require a preparatory process before applying them. Porcelain veneers, however, require minimally invasive preparation where your dentist removes a small amount of enamel from the tooth to ensure proper adhesion. Composite veneers require less preparation and are less intrusive as we apply them to the tooth.

Porcelain Vs. Composite Veneers in Greenville, IL

Ultimately, the choice between porcelain versus composite veneers will depend on your budget, goals, and the condition of the teeth. Both types of veneers have several pros and cons, and this is a decision you can make with your dentist, whether that is Dr. McCullough or Dr. Wilson. Porcelain veneers offer long-lasting results and a natural look, while composite veneers are more affordable and offer good visibility results. When deciding which veneer to choose, speak with your dentist to determine the right choice based on your unique dental needs. 

Remember that as much as the decision is about your teeth, it is also about your happiness and confidence, so take your time and choose wisely. You deserve a radiant smile that lasts a lifetime!Please schedule a consultation with our team today and see which types of veneers are right for you!